Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh What a Friend We Have In Jesus

Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear Him. With them He shares the secrets of his covenant. Exodus 33

When we wake in the morning we should enter his presence thanking him for blessing us with breath for another day.  Always enter his presence with thanksgiving.  We all go through things.  We all have shortfalls. None of us are perfect, no matter what we tell our selves.  If one of us were perfect then there would not have been a need for Jesus to come.  He is the only one that is perfect and I am saved by his blood and my God’s grace is sufficient.  He shows me things that my best friend could not forewarn me of.  He tells me things no matter if it is for my bad or for my good (but is it is almost always for my good).  He tells me and I have the choice to take heed to his warning or to just trust and believe in him.  Oh what a friend we have in Jesus, if you don’t know him you are missing out on the best friend in the whole wide world.  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  He will provide for you and protect you.  He will strengthen you in your time of weakness and heal you in your time of pain.  He will make a way out of no way.  Oh what a friend I have in Jesus.  Don’t you want to know him?  If so just call on him and he surely will answer!  Until next time my lovelies have a glamorous day.

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